Natural Gas

Under changed auspices: Sector meeting in Calgary

For the first time, climate-related issues dominate the World Petroleum Congress. Despite the necessary course correction, one thing is clear: the traditional economic model will not change that quickly.

New deep drilling regulation tightens safety regulations

The leak in the leaking pipe system in Emlichheim, which was discovered at the beginning of 2019, tipped the scales: After large quantities of reservoir water leaked in the Lower Saxony region on the German-Dutch border, where Wintershall Dea has…

Ørsted and Shell no longer receive gas from Gazprom

Gazprom Export has suspended its gas supplies to the Danish energy group Ørsted and to Shell Energy Europe as of June 1. The Russian gas company justifies the step by saying that both companies did not want to pay in rubles. Both Ørsted and Shell…

Permit for natural gas field off Borkum extended

The companies ONE-Dyas and Hansa Hydrocarbons want to explore for and extract hydrocarbons in the coastal waters of the German North Sea in Lower Saxony. The Lower Saxony State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG) has now issued a permit to…

Spain caps gas price at 40 euros

The Spanish government has decided on a temporary price cap of 40 euros/MWh for gas used for power generation. It will apply for one year. Portugal is planning a similar measure to Spain. The EU competition authority has not yet approved anything. A…

China is largest LNG importer

China imported more liquefied natural gas (LNG) than any other country last year, according to a report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That's according to data from the Global Trade Tracker. According to the report, China's LNG…

Federal Cabinet launches LNG Acceleration Act

Against the backdrop of uncertain Russian energy imports, the German cabinet has approved - in a written circulation procedure - the "Formulation aid for the draft law on accelerating the use of liquefied natural gas (LNGG)". In essence, it is…