The 20 largest electrolysis producers in the EU have pledged to increase their production tenfold by 2025. In return, the EU Commission is promising them state aid relief and money from the EU Innovation Fund for Carbon Difference Contracts (CCfD).
In Cuxhaven, gas and oil producer Wintershall Dea is building a plant to generate green hydrogen. Construction has now begun on the project, called "H2Move," which will produce enough H2 to enable emissions-neutral supply to Germany's largest oil…
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With its BlueHyNow project, gas and oil producer Wintershall Dea wants to produce hydrogen on a large scale in Germany and store CO2 in deep geological layers under the North Sea. Production is to take place at the Wilhelmshaven site, where a…
Masdar, the state-owned renewable energy company from the United Arab Emirates, has declared its intention to realize up to 4 GW of green hydrogen electrolyzer capacity in Egypt by 2030. Close to Europe, the country offers good conditions for…
Uniper wants to test the storage of hydrogen in its Krummhörn natural gas storage facility, which has not been used commercially since 2017. In order to test the demonstration project in a real environment, the energy company wants to sink a new…
The energy group Uniper and the steel producer Salzgitter AG have concluded a cooperation agreement to supply the SALCOS project of Germany's second largest steel producer with green hydrogen at the production site in Salzgitter...